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Biofoundry Integrated Instrumentation System

The Biofoundry Integrated Instrumentaion System (BIIS) represents a fundamental paradigm shift in the design of living systems not currently available to academic labs in the United States.




This presents three major opportunities to the scientific community: 


1) The BIIS will become a research focus itself by demonstrating how to create new biological systems that are developed some combination of faster, cheaper, replicable, more exhaustive, standardized, more analyzable, or parameterizable.


2) Second, the operators, technicians, postdoctoral researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students all gain expertise and training on a state-of-the-art piece of equipment that only exists in a handful of institutions around the world. 


3) Finally,the BIIS will be available to a network of worldwide users as a “design-build-test”service fully integrated into a freely open software interface. This will democratize exclusive, high end biology protocols and standardize many artisanal experimental protocols.


DAMP Lab South also houses the Microfluidics development and research group, working particularly in microfluidics large scale integration; precise control over the flow of biological content within microscale devices; free design-to-device software; inexpensive, desktop micromills for fabricating microfluidic devices; and acoustic manipulation in disposable, plastic microchannels, with the goals to provide more reliable and scalable construction of synthetic biological systems. The integration of microfluidics and synthetic biology has the capability to produce rapid prototyping platforms for characterization of genetic devices, testing of biotherapeutics, and development of biosensors.


To know more about the work being developed by the microfluidics division, please visit:

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