DAMP Lab Pilot Projects
Background: Boston University built a high throughput robotic testing laboratory that processed up to 9000 samples a day for COVID-19 PCR testing. Before vaccines were available, this screening program helped to keep our community safe; after vaccines were available, we used the screening program to alert the university to local outbreaks and track emerging new strains. As the pandemic wanes, these needs are greatly diminished, and we process orders of magnitude fewer tests a week. As such, the state-of-the-art automation laboratory we built is transitioning to use as a cloud-based core facility for researchers across Boston University.
Who should Apply? PIs in Engineering, CAS, MED, and SPH at Boston University are encouraged to apply.
Overview: As we transition the tools of the DAMP Lab into an integrated cloud laboratory, we are seeking pilot projects of all kinds from members of the Boston University community. These projects will be proposed by investigators, refined through discussions between investigators and staff of DAMP Lab, and carried out in DAMP Lab by full-time employees. Results will be “owned” by the investigators, but some aspects of data generation will be shared with the network of DAMP users.
Qualities of Responsive Projects:
Automation of a multistep protocol that could be useful for other users.
Protocols that increase experimental reproducibility and become like a “core facility” for your lab.
DAMP must be allowed to share results from experiments with interested users (confidential projects will not be good for this call).
The new capability can differentiate you from researchers at other institutions.
Results should lead, in the near term, to a follow-on funding proposal.
A project that trains your students or post docs in automation.
Budget Info: We do not require a budget at the time of the proposal. We will discuss budget details with groups as we come to an agreement on the scope of the pilot project. All DAMP costs will be covered by DAMP. There are funds for the purchase of reagents and disposables for the pilot projects. The time and effort of DAMP employees will be covered by DAMP. Pilot projects will not cover salary for anyone in the PI’s laboratory.
Questions? Email Catherine Klapperich at catherin@bu.edu
Webform Proposals Due Rolling until November 1, 2022
Refining of Proposals through discussions
with DAMP Lab Staff from October 1 – November 1, 2022
Pilot Projects Announced November 15, 2022